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Lost Innocence
What does it mean to cry so often,
To sit and shake in fear?
I do not want to be like you,
For you I shall not shed a tear.
You pity yourself
You hold no worth
I wish we were not
Of the same birth.
You lost yourself
So long ago.
I am the girl you no longer know.
I see myself
As I am to be
I see that girl
And I cry for me.
Don't let me become
The girl that you are.
You've lost yourself,
You've strayed too far.
- K.
In This Place
In this place the rocks dont move
And people dont speak.
There are no loud cars or congestion.
Everywhere I look it seems that noise just follows me
Like my shadow on a summer day.
But not this place, not here.
The only sounds here are the waves crashing into the rocks
And the foam popping like rice krispies in a huge bowl of milk
And seagulls!
Hundreds of them.
But they dont bother me.
I can sit in my high place for hours,
Just watching the waves dance with the sun on the water.
Sometimes if I let myself think of nothing
I can feel my grandfather sitting next to me,
His arm around my shoulder,
Telling me he misses me and loves me very much.
I miss him
But I know
My grandfathers high place
Is in the hearts of our family.
Sometimes I wonder what this is all about.
Do I just sit quietly and dont make waves
Or do I kick, bite, abuse people
Until I have everything I want
Or I die.
I eat, sleep, drink, shit,
smoke, laugh, smile, cry
Talk, listen, love,
hate, fight, watch, sing, write.
And sometimes I do nothing
Then I wake up the next day
And do it all again
Until it kills me.
Maybe Ill be so daring as to do all this
In a different order
But it is all the same.
Rambling scribblings
about what you care about
Or what you dont.
But you really must care
If youre taking the time to write about it.
- K.
The Scent of a Mother
The scent of a mother is the strongest thing-
I used to cuddle up to her and take her in.
I cant describe her scent
Because it is not just her smell but her aura.
I know her scent in my dreams
In my past
In my future
Her scent will never change for me.
Without the scent of my mother
Id be lost
When shes not there
I smell it in my mind
And it is soft and gentle.
There is no perfume in the world
That can take the place of my mothers scent.
Its the cure for all childhood ailments
And every nightmare scream.
Shes beautiful at any age.
My mothers scent,
My cure for life.
Ive Been Told
Ive been told my forehead and nose are too big
And my smile shows too much of my gums.
My face turns bright red far too easily.
When I was very young I got stitches on my forehead
After I hit it on the corner of a speaker.
In fourth grade I got a black eye from a softball game.
When I was fifteen, I fell in love with a boy
He made me cry and kissed my cheek
And fed my lips with dizzy things to drink.
My face, he said,
Was pale but warm.
- R.
I Remember
I remember when I was three, I asked my aunt
"What are these nasty specks on my face?"
My aunt said freckles, and I said
"How did I get these?"
She said they were from the sun.
Ever since Ive hated the sun.
I ran from it.
Hate is an all-consuming energy that I need to stop wasting.
I want to leave behind my old grudges,
Worn-out friendships
The ones where both parties gave up too easily
My high place is in the car
Listening to music
And driving up the mountains.
I forget all my worries and relax,
- J.
All meshing into one chaotic thing,
Not real,
Yet not a dream.
It all becomes something
Thrown in between.
- K.
I Remember
I remember
Getting hit on the nose with a chain
And getting a tetanus shot
I remember my mom trying to get rid of something on my nose
And she made it turn brown
(My mole.)
I remember painting my face white with black lines
To look like the crows face
I remember every mean word
I ever said to my mom and dad
(And my ugly mole.)
- L.