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I Am a Box of Hair Dye
I am a box of hair dye
Blue or green, yellow and orange
And even pink
I vary like the rainbow
In every shade and tint
I can correlate with the moods I feel
And express myself openly
But mostly I like to change
I dont like to stick with the one way
I want variety
There is a part
Of everyone
That likes to be different in the crowd
No one likes to be ordinary
But there are so many people that are afraid to change
I think it is a sorry excuse
To stay alone.
- L.
I Am a Silent Watcher
I am a silent watcher
I see
I know
I love
I am a songbird
I call my lost love home
- J.
If I Were a Pair of Shoes
If I were a pair of shoes,
Those fancy ones you have so many of,
You would treat me with respect
You would care for me
Handle me delicately
You would admire me every day
And try to keep me in good condition
You would want me to last a long time
But Im just the stupid girl
You dont want anymore.
- R.
I Am the Brother Sun
I am the brother sun
With special care and free spirit
You can run with the pack
And with this knowledge
Listen to Tom Petty
And start free falling-
The skys the limit.
- T.
Im a Bum
Im a bum made of scum
Ill beg for money for beer or drugs
Ill sleep in a trash can
Like Oscar the Grouch
I piss behind stores without
Oh shit!
Its the chainsaw man
Hes come to kill--
Oh bloody
Im locked in a cell deep in hell.
- G.
Who Am I?
I am a lonely, lost girl
I will tell you this:
I think of dying in the most thrilling way.
Who am I?
I am friendly and sweet.
You can see me in the things I do.
I do what I can for others,
Even if we dont ever meet.
But I am more that what I do.
I am lost at times.
How do I know who I am?
Many have told me this:
I dont lie
I am sweet, as many say.
I have also learned
I can be trouble in the worst way.
Who am I?
I am the unexpected.
I am just me.
- S.
Who am I?
I will tell you this:
Im a girl in a crazy, mixed-up world.
Who from time to time
Doesnt know what do with myself.
Who am I?
You can see me in the things I do:
I help others when I can,
Im shy around people
When we meet for the first time
Im friendly and sweet.
But I am more than what I do.
Im a person with feelings.
I am a friend to my siblings
I listen to people when they need it
Many have told me I am a loyal friend and sister.
I wouldnt hurt a fly,
Unless it pissed me off.
Who am I?
I am who I am,
And nobody can tell me different.
- N.
My Name
My name is Lindsey
It means creative, inspired, colorful
It is like a strong vibrant feeling
Full of enthusiasm
And extreme energy of life.
It is a burst of laughter
It is the memory of a true friend
Who taught me about the inner me.
My name is Lindsey
It means the color of life.
- L.
My Name
My name is deceiving
It means nothing
It is like darkness and chaos.
It is part of a lost life
A life never lived
It is the memory of a girl unaware of her beauty and potential
Who taught me strength, love
And the meaning of poetry
My name is distressing
It means darkness and chaos
And all that is wrong.
- K.
My Name
When my name is John
I use the potty
When my name is Tyson
I'm silly
When my name is Dick
I'm horney
When my name is Bo
I'm country
When my name is Psycho
I try to prove people right
When my name is Speed Racer
I like to go fast
When my name is Loser
Well, I am one.
- T.
Fear of the Light
What would make me happy
Is to be born again-
rejuvenate my energy
Find out what truly gave me
The strength and courage to move on.
My power against the vultures
Who feed off suffering
Is to know that I am still alive,
My voice is still here,
And I will continue to try.
- J.
My Mind
Flow through the mist of my mind,
Sleep all the time,
Milking my mind,
Flow through the mist of my mind,
Look at the sky
Dream all the time.
When I Say
When I say what I feel
My lips do not move
And my eyes do the talking.
And you can't hear or understand.
When you say what you feel
You mean it,
I hear it,
I break.
I don't understand
And yet I do.
Chaos, confusion,
Too many thoughts.
I wish I could say things like you.
- K.
I Remember
I remember my hockey puck
Hit me in the head
I remember by nose bled,
I remember my brother punched me in the lip.
And I remember this guy named Kip.
- I.
I Remember
I remember when I was hung from the balcony by one foot.
I remember when I pretended to write letters to my family.
I remember being the outcast.
I remember the silent corners of the classroom.
I remember my attempt to jump out a window.
I remember a stranger waking me in my sleep.
I remember all those who taunted me.
I remember my first kiss.
I remember even the things I miss.
I remember meeting my dad.
I remember all the times I was bad.
I remember the times I cried,
Or even lied.
I remember being high
I remember my life, even as the times go by.