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For Hope

Imagine: You are in a grove of ancient oaks. You’re lying on a carpet of clover, grass, and wild flowers, listening to a whispering breeze meander through the leaves of the tree and bushes surrounding you, the deer quietly cropping the vegetation near you with their soft grinding of the teeth, the insects quietly buzzing around you. Watching the clouds drift lazily about the sky, making shapes that are always beautiful, the sun setting and coloring the clouds a beautiful pink, orange, and red, and the stars popping into visual existence before your eyes.

Thoughts: You think about your past experiences, the pain and happiness, the sorrow and fear. You think of your friends who have stuck with you and believed in you, even when life was so tough. How they have made you angry, happy, or annoyed. In addition, how you have argued with them on many a whim, and some not such a whim. You think about your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Think about how you want your life to go, not how it is if you do not like it, but how you want it to be. Think about how you may change your life for the better. Think about how you react to your emotions. If you react negatively then how may you react in the positive? Think about how you react to your friends. Do you hug them? Do you go up and slap them on the back? Do you physically fight with them? Do you argue with them? Do you lose friends from arguments? Now think about why you do any of these things. Is it habit, or a special relationship with your friend? Think about love. Do you truly love your boy/girlfriend? Alternatively, who would you like to be your boy/girlfriend? Do you love your family, your parents, or your brothers and/or sisters? On the other hand, do you just put up with them? Finally, think about the life you lead and why you lead it. Do you do drugs? Do you smoke? Do you fight with people? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night? Why do you do any of these things? What would you like to change? Think about this and figure out what you could do if you wanted/needed to change your life.

Imagine: You are in a grove of ancient oaks. You’re lying on a carpet of clover, grass, and wild flowers, listening to a whispering breeze meander through the leaves of the trees and bushes surrounding you, the deer quietly cropping the vegetation near you with their soft grinding of teeth, the insects quietly buzzing around you. The sun has set coloring the sky a deep purple blue. The deer run in fright as you startle them by looking around. You sit up cross-legged, still pondering your thoughts and what they may portend. You pick a bouquet of the prettiest wild flowers to take home with you as you stand up and start walking out of the woods and head home. You get home, eat dinner, and go to bed…still pondering your thoughts…


Can’t Tell

Can’t tell

The women from the men in Babylon:

Dressed in the same pollution,

Mind is confused with confusion,

All those problems



No solution.

- T.


Red Rose

Morning dew falling

Like the red rose’s petal

Forever falling.

- K.



Like the redwood tree

Years after the fire

The rich nut-brown skin still there

The green never so vibrant

But there’s a hole in the base

I crawl through the hole

Inside it is dark, scarred, dead.

Years after the fire

The damage still there

And the beautiful redwood

Will not survive the next fire

And the wounded redwood

Will never live again.

- K.


Scary Seals

I like to sit at the beach

And watch the wind and tides.

I laugh so much it hurts my sides.

I run away and make a dash to the water

To my surprise

There are very scary seals.

- D.